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Patient Rights

Providing the highest quality of personalized health care is our goal at Day Kimball Hospital. We work hard to respect patients’ needs, values and dignity and believe that patients should be partners with us in their medical care. These Patients Rights and Responsibilities will help us work with you to provide the best possible care. If you are a minor or unable to speak for yourself, these rights and responsibilities, as appropriate, will be given to your parent or legal guardian.

You are our valued patients. Your rights include, but are not limited to the following:

Personal Rights

  • To be provided appropriate medical treatment, regardless of your ability to pay or your race, national origin, sex, or religion - Day Kimball Healthcare complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Click here to read Day Kimball Healthcare's entire Nondiscriminatory Policy. ATTENTION: If you speak a language other than English, are deaf or hard of hearing, language assistance services are provided free of charge. Call (860) 928-6541 ext. 2342 or ext. 2229; for TTY, dial 711 and ask to be connected to (860) 928-6541 ext. 2342 or ext. 2229;
  • To be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity;
  • To receive information about financial assistance;
  • To receive a full explanation of all charges, including an itemized and detailed explanation of your bill, if desired;
  • To receive care in a safe setting, free from all forms of abuse or harassment;
  • To have visitors, mail and telephone calls, unless these things are not medically advisable;
  • To have an interpreter if English is not your primary language (ask your nurse if an interpreter is needed);
  • To have access to special equipment and/or an interpreter if you are hard-of-hearing or deaf (ask your nursing supervisor or call extension 2342);
  • To be assured of the confidentiality of all personal and medical information, including your medical record;
  • To have your cultural heritage respected and your religious and/or spiritual needs and values met;
  • To be examined in a place that is private;
  • To have a person of the same sex present when you are being treated by a person of the opposite sex;
  • To have discussions about your situation and care take place privately;
  • To refuse to see or talk with people not directly involved in your care;
  • To understand all hospital rules and regulations that affect your care and conduct as a patient;
  • To ask for a different room if you’re having a problem;
  • To have all reasonable requests responded to promptly and politely; Medical Rights
  • To know the names, specialties and credentials of the people treating you;
  • To be free from restraints and isolation not medically necessary;
  • To expect prompt and effective treatment of pain;
  • To know the relationship between your doctor and the hospital;
  • To review your medical record with your doctor or nurse;
  • To receive a complete explanation of why you or your loved one needs to be transferred to another hospital, if a transfer is medically necessary;
  • To be informed of your continuing health needs when you are discharged from the hospital;
  • To request an autopsy be performed on your family member or loved one following their death. You have the right to request that a doctor not affiliated with Day Kimball Hospital perform the autopsy at another hospital. Payment for the autopsy is the responsibility of the next of kin of the person who died;
  • To consult with a specialist

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Rights of Decision Making

  • To information about all aspects of your care;
  • To be fully informed about your diagnosis;
  • To know your treatment options and alternatives;
  • To participate in decisions regarding your care;
  • To refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law;
  • To give informed consent to decisions regarding your care;
  • To refuse to participate in research or experimental projects;
  • To choose the hospital where you are cared for;
  • To make an Advance Directive (Living Will) and appoint a person to make health care decisions for you, in case you become unable to speak for yourself;
  • To receive explanations about withholding or withdrawing life sustaining treatment

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Patient Responsibilities

As a patient, your responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • To follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor, including following the instructions of your nurses and other health care providers in the hospital;
  • To provide accurate and complete information to your doctor, nurse or other health care provider, including any changes in your condition and known food or medication allergies;
  • To ask questions if you do not understand any aspect of your care;
  • To inform your doctor or nurse and provide a copy of an Advance Directive (Living Will), if you have one;
  • To ask your doctor or nurse what to expect regarding pain and pain management.
  • To discuss pain relief options.
  • To help the doctor or nurse assess your pain and to tell them if your pain is not relieved 
  • To be responsible for your actions and condition if you refuse treatment or do not follow your doctors’ or nurses’ instructions
  • To see that the bill for your health care services is paid as promptly as possible or appropriate arrangements are made with a patient account representative

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If You Have a Concern About Your Care
We encourage you to share any concerns you may have about your care. We have a comprehensive plan for hearing and responding to concerns and other issues. All attempts will be made to resolve the concern or issue in a timely manner. Our plan offers you several options for filing a concern.

  • You may speak to your doctor, nurse, unit nurse director, or a patient representative
  • Or you may contact the DKH Quality Department at (800) 398-3383 or

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Important Phone Numbers for Resolving Concerns or Problems
(All extensions are for (860) 928-6541 unless otherwise noted.)

  • Quality Department - (800) 398-3383
  • Foreign language interpreter services - ask your nurse for Language Line Services
  • Services for hard-of-hearing or deaf patients – ext. 2342 or ext. 2229 (after hours)
  • ICU/Telemetry Nurse Director – ext. 2370
  • Med/Surg/Peds Nurse Director – ext. 2329
  • Emergency Department Nurse Director – ext. 2409
  • Maternal Child Health Nurse Director – ext. 2312
  • Inpatient Behavioral Health Director – ext. 2556
  • Pediatric Center, Oncology and Specialty Clinics – ext. 2476
  • Ethics Committee – ext. 6344

If these individuals cannot address your concern or issue to your satisfaction, you may contact the Office of the Hospital’s President by telephone or mail. The telephone number is (860) 928-6541, extension 2211. The mailing address is:

Assistant to the President
Day Kimball Hospital
320 Pomfret Street
Putnam, CT. 06260

All concerns or issues are initially reviewed by the Hospital’s Administration and you will receive a letter acknowledging receipt of your concern or issue. If appropriate, your concern may be forwarded to Nursing Administration, Medical Staff Department Chairpersons or Department Managers for review and follow up. You may be contacted by one of these individuals if additional information is needed.

The information from this thorough review will be forwarded to Administration for the final decision

The President of the Hospital has the final authority for addressing administrative, treatment or discharge issues

All concerns and issues received by the Hospital’s Administration will be reviewed and responded to within seven days. You will receive a letter detailing the results of the review of your concerns

If, after this administrative review, you wish to pursue your concern, you may contact the following state agencies:

Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT. 06134
(860) 509-7400 – Telephone
(860) 509-7191 – TDD

Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL  60181
Telephone: (800)-994-6610
Fax: (630) 792-5636

Under no circumstances does the presentation of a complaint affect your future care or any family member’s future care at the Hospital.

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